Why is java important to the Internet
The Internet helped catapult java to the forefront of programming, and java, in turn, has had a profound effect on the Internet. The reason for this is quite simple: Java expands the universe of objects that can move about freely in cyberspace. In a network, two very broad categories of objects are transmitted between the server and your personal computer: passive information and dynamic, active programs. For example, when you read your e-mail, you are viewing passive data. Even when you download a program, the program’s code is still only passive data. Even when you download a second type of object can be transmitted to your computer: a dynamic, self-executing program. Such a program is and the server yet initiates active agent on the client computer. For example, the server to display properly the data that the server is sending might provide a program.
As desirable as dynamic, networked programs are, they also present serious problems in the areas of security and portability. Prior to java, cyberspace was effectively closed to half the entities that now live there, as you will see, java addresses those concerns and, by doing so, has opened the door to an exciting new form of program: the applet.
Java Applets and Applications
Java can be used to create two types of programs: applications and applets. An application is a program that runs on your computer, under the operating system of that computer. That is , an application created by java is more or less like one created using C or C++. When used to create applications, java is a not much different from any other computer language. Rather, it is java’s ability to create applets that makes it important. An applet is an application designed to be transmitted over the Internet and executed by a java-compatible Web browser. An applet is actually a tiny java program, dynamically downloaded across the network, just like an image, sound file, or video clip. The important difference is that an applet is an intelligent program, not just and animation or media file. In other words, and applet is a program that can react to user input and dynamically change not just run the same animation or sound over and over.
As you are likely aware, every time that you download a “normal ” program, you are risking a viral infection. Prior to java, most users did not download executable programs frequently, and those who did scanned them for viruses prior to execution. Even so, most users still worried about the possibility of infection their systems with a virus. In addition to viruses, another type of maillicious program exists that must be guarded against. This type of program can gather private information, such as credit card numbers, bank account balances, and passwords, by searching the contents of your computer’s local file system, java answer both of these concerns by providing a “firewall” between a networked application and your computer.
Many types of computers and operating systems are in use throughout the world - and many are connected to the Internet. For programs to be dynamically downloaded to all the various types of platforms connected to the Internet, some means of generating portable executable code is needed. As you will soon see, the same mechanism that helps ensure security also helps create portability. Indeed, java’s solution to these two problems is both elegant and efficient
The Internet helped catapult java to the forefront of programming, and java, in turn, has had a profound effect on the Internet. The reason for this is quite simple: Java expands the universe of objects that can move about freely in cyberspace. In a network, two very broad categories of objects are transmitted between the server and your personal computer: passive information and dynamic, active programs. For example, when you read your e-mail, you are viewing passive data. Even when you download a program, the program’s code is still only passive data. Even when you download a second type of object can be transmitted to your computer: a dynamic, self-executing program. Such a program is and the server yet initiates active agent on the client computer. For example, the server to display properly the data that the server is sending might provide a program.
As desirable as dynamic, networked programs are, they also present serious problems in the areas of security and portability. Prior to java, cyberspace was effectively closed to half the entities that now live there, as you will see, java addresses those concerns and, by doing so, has opened the door to an exciting new form of program: the applet.
Java Applets and Applications
Java can be used to create two types of programs: applications and applets. An application is a program that runs on your computer, under the operating system of that computer. That is , an application created by java is more or less like one created using C or C++. When used to create applications, java is a not much different from any other computer language. Rather, it is java’s ability to create applets that makes it important. An applet is an application designed to be transmitted over the Internet and executed by a java-compatible Web browser. An applet is actually a tiny java program, dynamically downloaded across the network, just like an image, sound file, or video clip. The important difference is that an applet is an intelligent program, not just and animation or media file. In other words, and applet is a program that can react to user input and dynamically change not just run the same animation or sound over and over.
As you are likely aware, every time that you download a “normal ” program, you are risking a viral infection. Prior to java, most users did not download executable programs frequently, and those who did scanned them for viruses prior to execution. Even so, most users still worried about the possibility of infection their systems with a virus. In addition to viruses, another type of maillicious program exists that must be guarded against. This type of program can gather private information, such as credit card numbers, bank account balances, and passwords, by searching the contents of your computer’s local file system, java answer both of these concerns by providing a “firewall” between a networked application and your computer.
Many types of computers and operating systems are in use throughout the world - and many are connected to the Internet. For programs to be dynamically downloaded to all the various types of platforms connected to the Internet, some means of generating portable executable code is needed. As you will soon see, the same mechanism that helps ensure security also helps create portability. Indeed, java’s solution to these two problems is both elegant and efficient
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