1. Java was designed by Sun Microsystems
in the early 1990s.
2. Basic aim of java was to solve the
problem of connecting many household machines together.
3. Project was unsuccessful
because no one wanted to use it.
4. Earlier Name of Java : OAK
5. Creator of Java : James
Gosling (the father of Java)
6. As there was another language called
Oak , they decided to rename OAK. New name was given to OAK , OAK was renamed
Java in 1994
7. Java was publicly released on : May
27, 1995
8. Java was targeted at : Internet
9. Applets Had early support from
companies : Netscape Communications
Designed By
Sun Microsystems
Designed In
early 1990s
Basic Aim
For Communicating Between Household things
Earlier Name of Java
Creator of Java
James Gosling
First Public Release
27 May 1995
Java was targeted at
Internet Development
SUN MICROSYSTEM : \Sun Microsystems, Inc. was a company that sold
computers, computer components, computer software, and information technology
services and that created the Java programming language, Solaris Unix and the
Network File System.
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